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Experience a higher level of physical therapy and wellness. Laws of Motion Physical Therapy is a private pay performance practice with hour-long, one-on-one treatment sessions designed with your goals in mind. Our priority is discovering the root cause and helping you restore pain-free movement by providing tools to maintain and enhance your performance through movement-based exercise.
Discover the root cause of your dysfunction and decrease pain and limitations.
Enhance efficiency of your movement to reduce recurrence of pain and/or limitations.
Bridge the gap between rehabilitation and performance to achieve your full potential.
Develop strategies to maintain your performance.
Our therapists are dedicated to their practice and strive to improve their skills on a daily basis to continue to serve the clients to their best ability. We firmly believe that the more information we learn, the more we understand that we don’t know. It is that passion that continues to motivate us to reach our potential in order to guide you to reach your potential.
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