At Laws of Motion Physical Therapy, we perform thorough evaluations of each client to provide specific, individualized interventions to meet each clients’ goals. Our key services allow you to maximize your potential.
The future of physical therapy and movement medicine
At Laws of Motion we view a Movement Wellness Assessment as an essential component of injury prevention and management. This provides every individual the ability to go through our 30-point inspection looking at movement, mechanics capacity, neuromuscular control and strength/stability assessment to identify limitations BEFORE they become an issue.
Contact us to learn more about our Movement Wellness Assessment
The golf performance program assesses a golfer’s individual movements using the Titleist Performance Institute movement and strength screening tools and provides weekly routines tailored to each golfer’s needs to achieve the strength and mobility needed to improve every golf swing.
Program details:
Initial assessment | $199
Golf performance continuity program | $109/month
The virtual exercise programming is designed for individuals that want to continue with exercise prescription or exercise programming independently following physical therapy, or those looking to reduce injury risk and train for specific activities
Initial assessment | $199
Continuity program | $109/month
Onero is an exercise program specifically for those with osteoporosis or osteopenia. The program was developed in Australia and they have shown great research results building bone density and reducing fall risk!
Research shows working through this program you build bone density and improve strength for longevity by safely loading the system to signal bone growth. This is a strength training program designed to get you moving and improve muscle mass and bone density.